
Azure ftp server directory
Azure ftp server directory

azure ftp server directory

Click ok to save changes.The element is used to specify the content settings for directory browsing on FTP sites.

azure ftp server directory

  • For data type choose Varchar and change the Parameter Name to 1.
  • Click the Add button a second time and select strFileName for the Variable Name.
  • For data type choose Varchar and change the Parameter Name to 0.
  • Click the Add button and then select “strSftpDirectory” for Variable Name.
  • Here is the syntax I used if you are following along with the tutorial:
  • Clicking the Ellipsis button will give you a pop up window, this is where we enter our Insert SQL Statement.
  • Click and highlight “SQLStatement” and then click the Ellipsis button that appears on the right.
  • For “Connection” choose the connection manager to your database.
  • Right click on the Execute SQL Task and click Edit to bring up the Editor.
  • Create a new variable called strSftpDirectory and give it a value of /.
  • Pull an Execute SQL Task from the toolbox into the Foreach Loop container.
  • Note: For this example I have created a simple table with four columns: (This section has been added for completeness and is fully optional.) Part 3 – Setting up the Execute SQL Task to read the string variable


    Optional: (This section simply shows how to map variables in an Execute SQL Task and helps with visualization of each iteration of the Foreach Loop through the list of files on our FTP.)

  • On the Variable Mappings tab select a string variable to store the file name in.
  • Finally click the Variable Mappings tab.
  • Next select the object variable you specified in the Secure FTP component.
  • For “Enumerator” choose “Foreach From Variable Enumerator” from the drop down.
  • Open the For Each container and click on the Collection tab.
  • azure ftp server directory

    Pull a Foreach Loop container into the Control Flow and drag the precedence constraint from the Secure FTP task to the Foreach loop container.Part 2 – Configuring the For Each Loop to iterate through the object variable Next create an object variable to store the list of file names in from the server.Second you can choose to store the directory location in a variable.


  • First you can choose to click the ellipsis button and hard code the directory location.
  • For your Directory location on server you have two options:.
  • For SFTP Connection Manager either choose an existing connection manager or create a new one if don’t have one set up.
  • What will this task do? Select “Get list of files” from the drop down menu.
  • Next right click on the Secure FTP Task and click edit.
  • Start a new package and drag the Secure FTP task into your control flow from the toolbox.
  • Part 1 – Configuring the Secure FTP site to Get List of Files from server.
  • Part 3 – (Optional) Setting up the Execute SQL Task to write the file names to a table.
  • Part 2 – Setting up the For Each Loop to read the the object variable.
  • Part 1 – Setting up the Secure FTP component to get List of Files.
  • azure ftp server directory

    This walkthrough is broken down into three sections. We will use a Foreach loop container to iterate through the object variable and then an Execute SQL task to write each file name to a table in our database. Here we will use the “Get list of files” option and store all the files for a given directory into an object variable.


    If you are interested in Task Factory and the more than 40 tasks you can find the free trial here: This is a task that can be accomplished very easily with the Task Factory Secure FTP component and this walk through will provide step by step directions. Today we are going to address a very common FTP question: “How can I get a list of the files that are on my FTP Server?”

    Azure ftp server directory